From Opera Press Releases, Opera show their last survey about Opera Mini. Like we all have know, Opera mini has been developed in 9 languages (Russian, English, Indonesian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, German, Polish and Japanese). This survey taken in 15 countries and over 300,000 response on this survey.
Here is some Opera Mini Survey 2010 Result
- In July 2010, Opera Mini had over 62.3 million users, a 4.8% increase from June 2010. Since July 2009, the number of unique users has increased 114.3%
- Kenya joins the list of top 10 countries for Opera Mini users, replacing Nigeria. The current top 10, in order, is: Indonesia, Russia, India, China, Ukraine, South Africa, the United States, Vietnam, the United Kingdom and Kenya.
- The top 10 countries using Opera Mini in Southeast Asia are Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.
- Google and Facebook compete for the top spot in several Southeast Asian countries. In Thailand and Laos, Google is #1, followed by hi5 and then Facebook. In Vietnam, where My Opera is very popular, Facebook is not in the top 10 list at all.
- Opera Mini users in Southeast Asia tend to prefer Nokia handsets. That said, the Apple iPhone is the most popular handset used by Opera Mini users in both Singapore and Myanmar.
That’s some point of the survey, you can read more completed about this survey on Opera Mini Press releases here
Photo from Flickr
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