If you or a loved one is arrested for DUI, you should consider hiring a lawyer that knows the ropes. This DUI law firm provides exceptional service and quality representation. That is why I recommend this LosAngeles DUI Attorney. A conviction of a DUI will often lead to much higher insurance rates as well as the possibility of getting your insurance canceled. A good LA DUI Lawyer will thoroughly examine all the evidence.
Its important to note that if it involves a breath test, you should always review the accuracy and maintenance logs and other evidence. If it is a blood test, you should always retest the blood sample to see if there was a adequate preservative in the blood vial. If there is an insufficient preservative, you could possibly get fermentation which results in a artificially high and false blood alcohol level. Many County Sheriff Crime laboratories use only 20 mg of sodium fluoride in a 10 ml blood tube. This generally results in .2% sodium fluoride in the blood vial.
However, this is considered by many DUI blood alcohol experts as inadequate. As much as 1% or 100 mg of sodium fluoride is recommended for a 10 ml blood tube. Its important to get the best legal defense
possible for your DUI case.
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