Make a website with Joomla




what is joomlaGenerally, if you want to make a website, we must have knowledge of the language of php, html, java, or several programs related to web design. Of course to learning and the process take a long time. With the growing technology of modern website, there are other ways a more practical and can be done by anyone, besides that it is also able to create a web site instantly by using the open source program “Joomla!”.

What is Joomla!?
I am sure, would you have opened many websites. From some websites that you open, there must be some websites that you feel attractive, especially in view of the website. Is to create a website needs to have knowledge of web programming language adequate? Course not. For applications using Joomla web design of this thing you can do with ease. Why Joomla? Is not there another program? Joomla is one of the application system based “Open Source Content Management System” which is great for this time in class CMS. Joomla is now entering the community area. Joomla becomes a trade-mark or brand image, which shows that open source, can be developed well enough and too perfect. Joomla belong to all people that can be used to develop based on ability and skill in development website content. Everyone has the right to know and use Joomla. Everyone has the right to make modifications with this program (Joomla). With this application, we can make the website easier. We do not require knowledge of web design and programming. All it takes is basic knowledge about how to install the application (Joomla). Some facilities offered by Joomla applications include:

1. Free
Joomla application you can get for free on the Internet, you can download the application via a website that is providing the program to the public.

2. Ease of managing content
Manage your website content using easier because Joomla has provided several features to make arrangements. Joomla user applications only make what you want put in the website.

3. Ease of changing the website layout
Joomla templates are many and varied according to the version we use Joomla. Modifications to the template that we use are also very easy. Some images that we want to use for the background we can edit using Photoshop. Thus, the template will change according to what we want. If you want to try the application, you can download at


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7 responses to “Make a website with Joomla”

  1. Rudi Avatar

    Thank’s your articel

  2. rudy Avatar

    My opinion is,

    use joomla is your website is a really comprehensive one, if not better use wordpress. WordPress is lite and powerful too. I use both for my blogs actually.

  3. larkin Avatar

    Joomla is useful and handy to build content management sites but it is a great news that it is going to build community area. We generally use it and love to use this open source platform.

  4. CSM Rockstars Avatar

    Since inception, CMS Rockstars has helped tons of budding internet entrepreneurs through affordable customer friendly services. Using start-of-the-art techniques, we have built a solid reputation based on trust, affordability, and continued support. Our customers are confident in us, as they know we are dedicated to quality service delivery at all times.

  5. Nick Web Avatar

    You’re right, Joomla really does make creating and managing websites easy. I love using it, and best of all, it’s free like you say, very good!

  6. Rina As Avatar

    Sepertinya wordpress sebagai platform blog paling friendly di mata pengguna belum terkalahkan oleh Joomla..
    Kedepannya semoga Joomla makin sukses
    Nice share ya…..

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