You can Download MoneyWell for iPhone using AppStore or iTunes. Please notes, I have tested so many Finance Appls for iPhone, from very simple apps trough very complex apps. I have tested Expenditure a very simple apps as Finance App and very complex apps such as Money (previously iBearMoney).

Now, I currently use PocketMoney and have a plan to try MoneyWell. Why MoneyWell, the Desktop Mac version very stunning and Gregorius. The one that I need to thinking is, Desktop version is not free, we need to separate purchase this Application for Mac with 49.99$ 🙁
MoneyWell for iPhone introduce price 4.99$ but now this apps prices increase into 9.99$ I hope there are some discount days again, so I can test this apps. Why MoneyWell is must tested Apps? No Thirst Software has been listed so many feature such as
Sync with MoneyWell for Mac
The new mobile version of MoneyWell synchronizes with your desktop version so you can enter transactions when you’re out send them to your desktop over your WiFi network when you get home. You can even connect multiple iPhones, iPod touches or iPads to allow you and your spouse to stay in sync.
Control Your Cash Flow
See account or bucket balances instantly no matter where you are. Set spending plan amounts for buckets and flow money between buckets for that impromptu dinner out. Use your income buckets to fill your expense buckets within a couple of taps.
Designed for Fast Entry
When you’re checking out at Starbucks, you want to record your transaction before your latte is ready. That’s why the new transaction button is available on every list view. We’ve also made the amount large and easy to read with a custom numeric entry keypad. Additionally, all your MoneyWell favorite transactions are on your iPhone to autofill your payee, bucket, amount, etc.
Review Spending History Anywhere
Your historic transactions go with you when you shop so you can see how much you spent the last time you dined out or went to the movies. View activity by bucket, account or recent transactions and filter by type or partial name match. Even the transaction detail view allows flicking through transactions
iPhone 4 and iOS 4 Ready
MoneyWell for iPhone has high-resolution graphics to take advantage of the iPhone 4 Retina display. We’ve also made it quick-switch multitasking aware and designed it to remember where you were so you never lose your place.
Detail features here, I think with many features such on the list, MoneyWell is Must tested apps. I hope we can tested and decide which one better.
My Currently App is PocketMoney and happy on it… Maybe Download MoneyWell App for iPhone here is right solutions
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