MySQL Tool, When, What and Why?




Why I use MySQL for my database engine? This is free and Open Source. Not like MsSQL, Oracle, DB2 that we need buy that server, and it’s so expensive for me ;).

So, I try to find the best tool for managemen my great database MySQL 4.1.11. I was search on Google, Yahoo and other popular sites.

And this that I found

  • PHP My Admin. Yes everybody MySQL person know that this popular PHP WebBased MySQL tools
  • Premium Soft Navicat 2004. This my fav tools, great on GUI, visual query, and they can export with many-many different format. Also import from many-many different format.
  • Command Line. This not my fave :d but this something very helpul for me.

So what you faveorite tools?



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One response to “MySQL Tool, When, What and Why?”

  1. cristol Avatar

    Guys talking about mysql front end tool then chk this out sqlyog an amazing administrative tool empowered with powerful extra-ordinary features offered under open source just for free.Take a look!!!

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