Desktop Mac like iMac has a special places in their user hearts. And now Apple has release the new iMac with some fascinating features. iMac released in two different type of intel processor, quadcore i5 and i7. You may choose 21.5 Inch quadcore i5 with 2.5GHz or 2.7GHz. Or 27 Inch quadcore i5 with 2.7GHz or 3.1GHz.
As like the title I mention “understanding what you needed”, the new iMac 2011 really know what user needed. New iMac increased their performance almost two times faster than previous released. The performance already tested in some difference application with difference purpose. You can work with 3D, algorithm, multimedia audio video, games only at iMac 2011.
All the features you can read in the official apple website. Its automatically feel what you need, because the technology already support overclock. He know when you need more speed to process your work and when you’re only watching movie or some light applications. New iMac can manage his performance without sacrificing their efficiency.
As usual, the new iMac 2011 already bundling with some package and you will get a special price. It start from $1199 and you can customize as what you needed. Enjoy the new iMac 2011 and feel the sensation.
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