Damage that often occurs on your printer may be caused by many things. But in general, some of the damage that often occurs is usually due to the care and use of a printer that is not according to the procedure. Several types of printer damage that often occurs usually in the print head, wherein the print head is often found that dried ink, making it difficult to use if not cleaned first. These conditions must be addressed immediately, because if allowed to continue then it will be worse, one of which is damage to the print head is. If damage to the print head, then the cost should you spend to fix it would be much greater when compared with treatment on a regular basis.
To overcome the damage caused to the print head, then you have to frequently clean the print head, for example by carrying out maintenance procedure that is in the printer menu. In addition, cleaning the print head on a regular basis is also very important, for example by washing the use of certain special fluid to clean the printer. You can get the liquid in a computer store that is around you. In addition to cleaning the print head, it is advisable to make the process of printing with the correct procedures, for example in terms of paper usage. There are some printers that can not be used to print for specific paper, such as photo paper.
Another way that can be used to keep the printer is not quickly broken is the ink usage. There are several types of ink that can be used, but I think this is not recommended. Although the damage caused by the use of different inks are not so visible, but the impact will be felt at the time you figure the print out of the job. Therefore, you are advised to use the original ink and guaranteed quality.
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