There are several scenarios in which Windows users must use the command line to access the registry, instead of using the facilities of the registry editor as usual. Some of these scenarios can be when attacked by the virus so that access to the registry editor is blocked by the virus.

“Many roads lead to Rome”. If the registry can not be accessed through Windows then here’s how to access the registry via the command line.
- Open a command line from the Run box by typing the command cmd.
- Write the command reg /?, To display all the options available.

- Now, we will try to delete a registry key. Reg delete command is essentially a keyname valuename parameters. العاب يلعبها ثلاثة اشخاص For example, we will remove an existing key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ acer commands on the command line then it is reg delete HKLM \ Software \ acer. On the question that appears, type Yes.
- We will try to add a registry key. Reg add command is essentially a keyname valuename parameters. كيفية لعب كونكر For example, we will add a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ test commands in the command line then it is a reg add HKLM \ Software \ test.
How, whether you’ve managed to try it? العاب بالانترنت This you can use as a media fatherly other registry edit. Good luck.
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