Restore lost partition when You install the OS


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partition recovery appsIf you want to reinstall windows; and you do not accidentally delete a partition that actually contains data. Relax, the partition can still be restored, following where your files. Originally partition was not formatted erased and installed the operating system, then chances are the data is returned. In this example I will show how to recover the partition through DOS (Disk Operating System) that can be used when you have not had time to install any OS to PC. Here’s how it:

  1. Find used another PC which is still operating normally, and then downloads the application and active partition recovery toolkit of Then install.
  2. Prepare flash disk space, and make the boot disk through the facilities of active partition recovery through the start-menu-active partition recovery program-utilities for DOS-bootable USB or floppy creator. Determine the location of your flash drive and click the start button.
  3. If so, re-open the same menu, but this time select the recovery partition DOS executable, at the window that opens, copy the file “PR.EXE” to the flash disk is formatted.
  4. Boot your PC with a hard disk partition was erased by the flash disks.
  5. If you’ve entered the DOS prompt, run the program by typing “PR” and press enter.
  6. You will go into the main program interface. Search hard disk want restored from the left menu, then press enter to begin find a deleted partition.
  7. If no partition is found, the program will suggest you to add it to the list of findings.
  8. Of partitions found there, you can see the files that may still exist. Well if you are in save, then you restore the paid version of the active partition recovery pro version.

In addition to this program, you can also other programs that provide free licenses.


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