Retina display in the new series of iPad


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Retina Display found on the release of Apple gadgets, especially the iPad, will likely be one feature with its own advantages; especially third-generation tablet has just been released by Apple. When Apple introduced the iPad a few years ago, it seems not many applications that you can find on the iPad, especially for some of the applications available on the App Store. As one solution, Apple will provide an opportunity for all developers to go try design the iPhone app, which will be run on iPad screen as a highly modern technologically. Where the application can be run on the iPad screen by utilizing some of the features on iPad screen.

retina display

If we consider, the application will be run in two-mode system, using a technique often referred to as pixel doubling for iPad application screen. Although it sounds fairly complete and modern, but there are still some shortcomings, for example, is when the application runs on two types of modes, both the artwork and text applications will see some disturbance on the surface of the screen.

But after Apple did a lot of improvements over the facilities which have had a few upgrades to the features of iPhone and iPod Touch with Retina Display technology, it seems this feature will also be used at the next Apple product, one of which is the iPad. But nonetheless, some version of the iPad does not use these technologies. For users of facilities and jailbreak iPad features, users have plenty of options to use the application with the Retina display technology, where the application allows the use of the iPhone Retina graphics become more comfortable.




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