Save and grab the file in Dropbox


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dropbox apps for wpDropbox is a cloud storage service to control the synchronization. Dropbox allows you to store files on the web, in a secure environment and is private, and you can access it anywhere anytime. Dropbox is used as an alternative to carrying physical media, dropbox also offers the ability to share files with others. In symbian phones, one way to access these services is to use dropbox cutebox application. With this application you can easily access your dropbox, how do I use it? Consider the following tips.

In order to use dropbox you must have registered an account you can register for free through the site With the free account, you will get 2GB of space on dropbox storage.

  • To access it from your phone, install cutebox, through the Ovi Store, locate the application cutebox through its search and install by following the instructions.
  • If you’ve installed the application, run applications cutebox, if you do not already have a dropbox account you can choose I’m already a dropbox user.
  • If you want to select as a new user then you must enter certain key data such as Fist name, last name, email and password. If you already have one then you just enter your email and password only.
  • After signing in with your account, then you will be able to level the top of the list of files and folders that exist on the dropbox.
  • You will be able to return to the top level of the current location by tapping the home button frame on the top of the screen
  • Tapping the appropriate folder that you want to go into the folder and refresh the file list. Similarly to select a file to open the file, when you do this, the file will be automatically downloaded. Then from the display file, you can open local files in the application by pressing the file or document button.
  • You can download multiple files with to tap the download button and select the file. The use of operations (move, copy, delete) can also be done here.
  • This function can be accessed by downloading third-tapping buttons on the toolbar (the icon image documents).
  • To upload files to dropbox with ease. You just download the first tap on the toolbar button (the plus icon) dialog pops up will appear with the option of create ing a new folder, uploading audio clips, photos, videos and uploading of local files.
  • Choice upload audio, photo and video using a list file, while photos and videos using thumbnails so you will not go wrong selecting files. After that you can choose your check.
  • Soon the app will upload the file to dropbox, wait until the process is complete. The good on cutebox feature is that the files will be uploaded in the background, where you can still run while browsing the file structure dropbox file upload is in progress.
  • Cutebox lets you copy a public link to the clipboard or send via email or SMS message. This is a useful way to share large files, or get around limitations in email attachments. The way you just choose the file and select the second icon toolbar, and select, the option to send via SMS or email.
  • If you want to select the SMS will send you a link that looks like the image below. You will decide where this link to send, and select send.


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