SMS print apps on Android


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sms printIf necessary, you send sms from android phones can be easily printed. There are times when you need to print the result of discussions with friends made through SMS. To be able to print the SMS. From android phones, there are several techniques. The first technique, sms backup, and send the result back up to the e-mail. Next, in an email inbox, go sms, and then print from your personal computer.

The second way is to use synchronization application that is included with every purchase android phone, or can also use MyPhoneExplorer. With these two techniques, sms android phone do you will be saved also on commuting, so it can easily. You print directly. Results back up files can be stored on external storage media and you sent your email circumstances.

SMS backup
One simple application to send sms to your Gmail account is the SMS backup +. SMS backup will back up with a way to send any Gmail automatically or manually. How to use simple SMS backup +. The following steps:

  • Once the SMS backup + on the run, you will have the option and the key actions for the backup or restore SMS.
  • Next, you are required to connect to your Gmail service with a way to connect trap items. As in other authentication mechanism, you are asked to enter the Gmail service and also allow access + SMS backup gmail and mail will contact you, providing access to these applications as a form of android SMS backup + authorization to be able to use your gmail account to back up sms to Gmail.
  • For it is easier, at a later stage you will be prompted to backup the current or later. Choose the way back up now tap the backup button, and the back up process will be done right. Wait until all the SMS on backing up your Gmail circumstances.
  • To view the results back up, go to your Gmail e-mail, from a browser instance. There you will find a new label called SMS. If you click the SMS label, you will find backing up your email.
  • As an optional step, if you want to backup the SMS backup + automatic, put a check mark on the item auto back up. You can adjust these settings backup option with automatic backup auto men-trap item, tap the item regular schedule. For this time, tap the item and select the item incoming schedule never.


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