Are you a CEO, Manager, The Owner of a company who need to spy your employee. I give you the perfect software to spy and monitoring all you employee and the name is StaffCop. According to my opinion, when a CEO or Business Owner cannot trust their own employee, I think you should fired them, not by spying and monitoring their work. But, if you want to develop your employee to become a good worker, yes this software was match for you.
What CEO need to monitoring the employee, I give you some parameters :
- To know what programs they use.
- When they opened the application and what they do with it, including time tracking how they spend their working hours.
- Internet activities.
- Remote their screen.
- What’s inside their chat log.
Personally, I like this software because it can installed remotely and hide from user by default. This features makes me easier to install to many client, because it takes a lot of time and client will know if I install a spy software in their PC or laptop. As a admin I can manage all of the PC at the office by using single PC on my own PC at my desk.
All of the needed has already full fill by this StaffCop software. The second problems is about the price,I think it’s reasonable because StaffCop has several grade and of course whe you bought more license then the cheaper price can take. It’s all your choices, have a nice try. You must try it first before you decide to bought software.
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