
Windows 7 in Axioo MNC016


Today I'd like to share with the readers about my first look about Windows 7 that already pre-Order with about $50 to upgrade from windows XP or Vista. Since Windows 7 into the pre-beta, Microsoft revealed a second lot about how Windows 7 will be better than the various versions of Windows earlier. In the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC), Microsoft explains how Windows 7 is designed to complete the boot / shutdown faster and consume less power than the Vista operating system even though they actually have the same foundation. Windows 7 boot and shutdown faster is just one of many aspects of performance improvement which already promised by Steve Sinofsky. Microsoft can reach the boot time faster through a variety of ways:

StaffCop, Where nothing to hide


Are you a CEO, Manager, The Owner of a company who need to spy your employee. I give you the perfect software to spy and monitoring all you employee and the name is StaffCop. According to my opinion, when a CEO or Business Owner cannot trust their own employee, I think you should fired them, not by spying and monitoring their work. But, if you want to develop your employee to become a good worker, yes this software was match for you.