Today Twitter released its latest update to the mobile Twitter users. In this latest update added a new feature that allows you to tag up to 10 people in an image, without calculated in character tweet limit. So you can mention my friends without compromising 140 characters. While you are tagged by a friend on a photo to get a notification. You can customize the type of notification to be received and set who can tagging you through the Settings menu.
In this update Twitter add some info relating to the support page posts photos on Twitter. Fun, now you can share only 4 photos in one tweet. The fourth photo collage automatically be shaped. To view the full single image, just tap the preview did swipe to see the next picture. This update has been released for iPhone users, while the users of Android and will get it soon on .
For those of you who really is a twitter maniac, of course this is a breakthrough of the social media sites. With a range of facilities that have undergone a lot of changes, of course, can provide a lot of convenience for users, particularly for recent years amid competition similar emergence of social media.
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