The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by




Athena IT LTD, the creative staff behind Chit Chat for Facebook proudly announces the launch of their latest product facebook emoticon tool Emoinstaller. Everyone who uses and enjoys chatting with friends on Facebook will want to add this creative application to their chat options.

Emoinstaller - Facebook Emoticons
Emoinstaller - Facebook Emoticons

Emoinstaller allows Facebook chat users to add hundreds of new emoticons to spruce up their chat experience. Using the free tool, Emoinstaller, chat users can now add versatility, clarity, and fun to their chat messages.

With the addition of hundreds of emoticons sorted in categories such as Bad Girls, Holiday Emoticons and many others, this exciting new app allows the user to fully integrate smileys of all types and sizes to their chat messages.

To really get the point across, add one of the huge facebook emoticons that are available in the app.These animated smileys wink, laugh, smile, stick their tongue out, or create virtually any emotion, to add emphasis to the message.

The Emoinstaller installs automatically and simply imports custom emoticons directly to Facebook Chat, allowing the user to insert any of the hundreds of available smileys into their messages. A simple two-click process is all that is required.

This free application appeals to chat users of all ages who enjoy the experience of keeping in touch withtheir Facebook friends. Those who like to chat, but find the lack of options boring, will see a truly newand enjoyable experience unfold. All of their friends will soon be clamoring for Emomagic’s incredible new emoticons for facebook in their chat messages.

Versatile, fun, and easy to use, the new app supports multiple browsers, so there is no need tomake any changes in browser or operating systems. Users simply download this incredible app from, and it does the rest.


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6 responses to “The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by”

  1. The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by Athena IT LTD, the… via @WPGPL

  2. jauhari

    The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by Athena IT LTD, the… via @WPGPL

  3. jauhari

    The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by Athena IT LTD, the… via @WPGPL

  4. The Next Generation, ‘must have’, App for Facebook Chat users by #Facebook #Emoinstaller via @jauhari

  5. Pembalut Wanita Avatar

    ngga nambah berat ya? soalnya jaringan siput berhemat bandwith :)

  6. be4rt Avatar

    brarti teman chating kita harus install kayak ini juga dun?

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