Tips to add a Twitter follower




limit twitter followerAre you know about “how to add more follower on Twitter?”There are many different features of facebook and twitter, one of which is how we add a friend or follower. If on facebook we must enter the captcha (verification code) each time add a friend, but not on twitter. Some things you need to consider before adding a follower, such as:

1. Limit twitter

There are many kinds of limits on twitter, we’re talking about here is the limit associated with the Following twitter / follower:

  • a twitter account to follow only 1000 account in a day.
  • Following is restricted until 2000, when the number of follower we have reached the figures 1800s Following then we can do until 3000 and we have to wait for us in 2800 for the follower can do Following again until 4000, and so on.

2. Type of Follower / Following

  • follower / Following that will follow if we are to follow behind them follower / Following the so-called friends (I follow you, you must follow me).
  • while the follower is willing to follow us without having us follow behind them, usually called fans or free follower.
  • Following are not going to follow through, if we follow them, usually called a star.

From both the above description I am sure you already have an idea of how to get a fast follower on twitter.

And tips or applied in ways that I add a friend or my twitter follower is:

  • spend a maximum of 1000 quota limits following day to do a random follower, of course I hope that they follow behind me.
  • Wait 2-3 days so they have enough time to follow behind us or not, and if we have to specify the time they are still not to follow behind us, we can do unfollow, this is done so that we have an effective follower, that is the only counterexample to follow us and to reduce Following our limit (especially Following the star)
  • Once we have a space limit to follow more random twitter account, then we try again to follow a random account again and so on until we obtain additional restrictions limit following as I have described above.

Questions commonly arise is “what does not spend the energy to perform in 1000 Following a twitter account??” The answer is, of course, if done manually, but it would be very easy if done with the help of third party sites, in doing this include doing unfollow against twitter accounts that do not follow through to us.


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12 responses to “Tips to add a Twitter follower”

  1. Tips to add a Twitter follower / JAUHARI: Are you know about how to add more follower on Twitter?There are many di…

  2. Tips to add a Twitter follower / JAUHARI: Are you know about how to add more follower on Twitter?There are m…

  3. Tips to add a Twitter follower / JAUHARI: Are you know about how to add more follower on Twitter?There are many di…

  4. Tips to add a Twitter follower / JAUHARI: Are you know about how to add more follower on Twitter?There are many di…

  5. internet marketing wordpress theme Avatar

    I hope I will get a lot more visitors over twitter now. Great tips.

  6. dave Avatar

    follow me on twitter @daviderag ^_^

  7. Price Comparison Avatar

    Great tips, thanks a lot!

  8. buy twitter follower Avatar

    wow, this is really great tips for me, we will do it now.


  9. Micromax Mobiles Avatar

    Thanks for sharing these . I am just looking for this as i have not used twitter much and its relatively new for me so i think it will help me a lot.

  10. iCamuCum Avatar

    Thanks for the tips, please follow me @ icamucum

  11. Tips to add a Twitter follower – (via @JauhariNET)

  12. micromax mobiles Avatar

    or you can use hootsuite social media tool from twitter to manage multiple pages ……

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