Jauhari has just launch the new Themes called HIJRIAH. I have download it and try into my local wordpress 2.7. Now I’d like to share a tips to handle this Hijriah themes Free so it will make it pretty and powerful.
1. Customize Themes Functions on functions.php
By default Hijriah Themes has default setting with some variables that we can changes as we wish for. Here’s the code at functions.php
[sourcecode language=’php’]
// Theme Variable
$totale = 5;
$cat_exclude = ‘4,7,8,48’;
$totale means the total of post per page like we usually set on the options of wp-admin. This variable has the effect of the recent post at the sidebar. You will see the recent post will not shows the title of the post list at the main page and when you click the detail at single page the recent post will shows like usually.
We can manage the top navigation, because it’s created using the categories. $cat_exclude means the category id list that won’t appear at the navigation. If you has many categories and put the opposite of this setting, you can changes the exclude become include function and here’s the step :
Edit header.php at this syntax :
[sourcecode language=’php’]
global $cat_exclude; wp_list_categories(‘show_count=0&title_li=&exclude=’.$cat_exclude);
Change the “title_li=&exclude” into “title_li=&include”
So, when you fill the id list at functions.php it will show only the category you want to shows up.
2. Image Thumbnail using Custom fields.
If you want to show your image as thumbnail at the front pages, you have to create a custom field and paste you image link into the custom field values.

Write exactly like the picture, at the Custom Field Name fill it “Thumbnail” Â and the Value grab your image link.
One more thing, if you wish to edit post per page using Option in wp-admin, you can add a query to the $Totale jobs like this command :
[sourcecode language=’php’]
$totale = get_option(‘posts_per_page’);
Have a nice customizing everyone 🙂
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