Tomb Raider Reboot; After big success on Tomb Raider: Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light, Crystal Dynamics team already to re create the first story on Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider first released in 1996. The original Tomb Raider has been remade as 2007’s Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Game Informer has the exclusive cover story, of course, in which Crystal Dynamic talks the new Lara and the emotional and physical pain she must endure to survive in this reboot, simply titled Tomb Raider.
Many source has said, Tomb Raider Reboot will be launch towards the end of 2011, let’s wait and what’s will show up on Tomb Raider Reboot
“This new Tomb Raider concept reboots the franchise by exploring the origins of Lara Croft’s transformation into a hardened adventurer as you unravel the story behind the island’s mysterious past.” source here
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