iOS users will avoid iTunes wherever possible to send photos to iphone or ipad with USB cable connection to the computer. Even when he is master data synchronization at the apple. It’s easier to send files to the outside iphone with wifi when I want the media to social networking, e-mail accounts and other online sharing services. MultiLoader is the solution to facilitate the process of sending and receiving pictures and video files from your PC to your iphone or vice versa by using a browser on a PC.
That makes MultiLoader special, you can change you for the media to tap the edit button at the top right of the app. You can select the resolution (full resolution to choose tap photosize), rotate the photograph (with just a tap on the photo you want), and turn your photos into animated (animated GIF tap contained in section choose compress / merge). MultiLoader also provides a variety of options for each social media services, such as the ability to add tags when uploading a photograph to facebook, create a new folder for dropbox, and more. MultiLoader can be used on iphone and ipod touch. How to wear MultiLoader:
- Download the app MultiLoader at address:, then run the installation process.
- Run the app MultiLoader. On the main screen of the app you will find 2 parts send to and receive from.
- To receive files from a PC, tap the button on the receive from the PC. Furthermore, MultiLoader will provide the IP address that you must enter into a web browser on a desktop computer. IP addresses are thirsty inserted into a web browser you can find at the following addresses to connect in the WEB browser on your PC and upload photograph and videos. If both devices (iphone and desktop computers) are in the same wifi network, the connection will be established and you can start sharing your photograph and video formats JPG, MOV, MP4, PNG and GIF.
- Web version of MultiLoader very simple, consisting only of two buttons: select the file and upload, you can just upload ZIP files individually and then upload it. No confirmation process when you will receive the file, and all of the data you can see in the photos app.
- At the send to on the home app, you can upload a photograph or video to your facebook account, twitter, tumblr, picasa, dropbox. You can also upload photograph from video to email, PC, and iPhone.
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