Use Google chrome for your browser




Some browsers do have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your taste using the browser. One browser that I think is pretty fast in accessing some websites with flash facility is Google Chrome. Although this statement is not fully supported by the webmaster, but with the increasing use of this browser certainly showed browser that is indeed good enough to be used. With a view that is quite simple, of course, have a distinct advantage for the browser, because the addition does not require a lot of resource, the browser is also easier for the optimization, such as when added to some plugins in it.

chrome browser

One feature that is pretty good from this browser is the ability to perform multiple features of your resume, especially if you are experiencing computer error at run time. With Google Chrome then file URL is never opened again before you can access without having to search the URL. This is of course very beneficial if you do not have time to save the URL of a blog. In addition, the presence of some pretty powerful tools of the browser is also a distinct advantage, especially for some mobile version.

If you are currently using some type of internet browser for your day to day activities, it never hurts to try Google chrome, especially for some of the latest versions that have been released, either from the completeness of the existing patch or some other feature that is used. You can download this application for free, then install on your computer as one of the browsers may be used at any time and can be compared with other browsers, approximately where is the best browser that you will be used.


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3 responses to “Use Google chrome for your browser”

  1. komunitas online Avatar

    it seems too heavy for may eee pc 4g make it slow and slower

  2. Gunawan Avatar

    Since it was released until now, I very rarely use google chrome. all because I am more accustomed to using mozilla
    But with the advantages especially in terms of internet access is more lighten us. I will try to use it

  3. kursi rotan Avatar
    kursi rotan

    i love google chrome…
    whatever it slow.. hah

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