Viral Marketing Overview




yashfa-smileViral Marketing also known otherwise as Viral Advertising is a marketing technique used to build the public awareness of one’s product or company. They use many forms of media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product by riding on in other forms of addictive means that could get a person hooked and be obliged or amused to actually pass it on, with the product or company advertisement along with it.

In a nutshell, companies ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. They sponsor the certain media, such as a cool flash game, funny video, amusing story and such, which one may pass on to another with the company brand or logo or the products description or any other content to help promote the company or its product.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of one person to pas on the product. If a person sees the name of the person they know as the sender, they wonít block it and open it as well.

Many companies offer incentives such as discounts and rebates when they help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients a viral marketing gets from one person in determining the amount or number of incentive they can be attributed with.


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66 responses to “Viral Marketing Overview”

  1. Viral Marketing Overview / JAUHARI

  2. cooltudor Avatar

    like babies, you should learn talking before became expert in viral marketing

  3. Joe Avatar

    The name still seems to say it all: “Viral Marketing.” I get the concept, but it still seems like getting unsolicited mail. But I guess that’s essentially what all advertising is in theory.

  4. Thomas Avatar

    :d/ In practice it is sometimes really hard to get things really viral

  5. Bid Web Directory Avatar

    Very nice post!! Thanks for share

  6. Adwido Avatar

    It is effective. If you add video on it then it’s 3+3=7

  7. Herbal Herb Vaporizers Avatar

    Viral marketing becoming very popular big companies because of depths & flexibility.

  8. Isagenix Avatar

    Yes, Viral marketing has metamorphose a hot way of publicizing and marketing because they are relatively low toll. To refrain beingness tagged as spam cataphract, viral marketing counts on the enthusiasm of one organism to pas on the creation. If a somebody sees the canvas of the human they cognise as the sender, they wonít impede it and unresolved it as surface.

  9. Nitin singh Avatar

    Thanks for giving useful info at Viral marketing

  10. Parrot Toys Avatar

    Sometimes you go viral by accident. This happened to me on YouTube coincidentally however, the traffic was totally unqualified and produced little results. Viral marketing takes a bit of genius.

  11. Hazır okul sitesi Avatar

    Viral merketing is awesome. It is so cheap but really effective. The thing is to catch the “viral” idea. Thanks for this useful reading about Viral Marketing

  12. Electrolux Ergorapido Vacuum Cleaner Avatar

    Well the picture doesn’t really fit with the article. If you wanted to illustrate viral marketing you could’ve chosen an already viral thing. Other than that it was well written and easy to understand.

  13. Minnesota Landscaping Avatar

    This blogs related to viral advertising that means its a marketing technique used to build the public awareness.

  14. Minnesota Landscaping Avatar

    Viral marketing mainly used to build public awareness of one’s product.Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost.

  15. dir Avatar

    This is what I was looking for!
    Thanks for the useful information about viral marketing :)

  16. Mike Avatar

    I accidently “went viral” once. Received three times the amount of traffic and NO conversions.
    Like Parrot Toys said, it takes a bit of genius – and probably a lot of luck.

  17. lic jeevan anand Avatar

    Thank you for the info. Yes, Viral marketing becoming very popular big companies.

  18. Tia Isagenix Avatar

    Nurudin, You do some nice blog work and obviously know a lot about internet marketing. Perhaps I can use your help on several of my blog projects. I’ll send you a message.

  19. ryan mahesh Avatar
    ryan mahesh

    i have used viral marketing in combination with video marketing and it has done wonders for me.

  20. Merawakil Avatar

    Hey thanks for providing such a useful information about Viral marketing.
    It is very effective.

  21. michael Avatar

    It has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost, but with many of the social media networks on the Internet today so many people are using it just promote their own social sites and webpages. Low cost and simple to uses, really nothing better to build links to your sites, products and information.

  22. Cahpati Avatar

    viral marketing is the thing i still can not reach at today. not like you Mr. Jauhari

  23. Real estate chennai Avatar

    Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost.

  24. best hemorrhoid treatment Avatar

    There are still several business using Viral marketing that become successful, Yes, it’s a low cost technique. Some using baiting way.

    Anyway, thanks to you Jauhari for enlighten us the real score of Viral marketing.

  25. michael Avatar

    viral – there is nothing that says viral will really work, some of the viral sites seem to be a email list building scam but I am sure your site is better and will work with out a doubt.

  26. John Smith Avatar

    Viral marketing is still used today. Usually people wont buy a brand new product if they haven’t heard of it. When a friend recommends a product it exposes a person to a product. The more a person is exposed to a product the more a person trust it.

  27. Singamajigs Avatar

    Viral Marketing seems to take a lot of luck. I remember the company that made the wii video on youtube viral…it was a hot girl in her underpants on the wii balance board with her boyfriend taping it. It looked real, like some random guy was taping, but they had carefully planned this video and it worked!

  28. AngCheapMo Avatar

    Viral marketing is really hard to do. Many tried and only few succeed

  29. Store Coupons Avatar

    I am just taking small step into viral marketing myself.

  30. Shebees Avatar

    Viral merketing is awesome. It is so cheap but really effective. Thanks for this useful reading about Viral Marketing

  31. Lead Singer Avatar

    this has just enlightened me to know the imporatnce of having your sites know to the market. Very useful facts had been said in here. good job!

  32. Sale on Ugg Boots Avatar

    The name still seems to say it all: “Viral Marketing.” I get the concept, but it still seems like getting unsolicited mail. But I guess that’s essentially what all advertising is in theory.

  33. mystery shopper Avatar

    designing viral marketing campaigns requires a certain talent and creativity – you have to think like the people who you want to be passing it on and appeal to their emotions – it also helps to get lucky

  34. video baluns Avatar

    its amazing how effective viral marketing can be if executed correctly. I’ve heard a lot of success stories but this is a great over view of something I will be trying soon. Thanks

  35. Rca Ieftin Avatar

    I think viral marketing can make from a site a very good instrument of promoting some products. If you know how to write the article, the success is almost guaranteed,

  36. aydin Avatar

    Viral marketing thanks

  37. Daniel Vieira Avatar

    Viral Marketing make a much sucess here in Brazil too.

  38. Dak Avatar

    Yes,Viral marketing is great!

  39. anaboman Avatar

    Viral marketing,done right is a bomb.just lok at the old spice campagne

  40. Online Cash Wiz Avatar

    Thanks for the information on Viral Marketing!!

  41. News Update Avatar

    Thanks for your post about viral marketing. I think it s so difficult

  42. jocuri cu animale Avatar

    hmmm… I think it s so difficult :D

  43. Affiliate Marketer Avatar

    You’re right, viral marketing is powerful, but I think it also taps into the part of the human brain where we don’t know exactly what’s going to be popular or exciting until we see it. So I find it a little bit odd that companies say, “ok, now we are going to start a viral marketing campaign”.

  44. Bizeheryerparis Avatar

    hanks for your post about viral marketing. I think it s so difficult

  45. Gerard Avatar

    Viral Marketing is very important en Brazil and other places of sudamerica.

  46. Jailbreak Unlock iPhone 4 Avatar

    well Viral Marketing is good but you need to learn alot before going into it..I found it difficult at the beginning but the out come was great.. thanks

  47. Damian Avatar

    Viral is not always succesfull.

  48. Game News Avatar

    Viral Marketing isn’t something that can just happen though, you need to work hard at it, and get plenty of followers on all your social media accounts.

  49. Gordmans Coupons Avatar

    Indeed, viral marketing if done properly and with dedication is very effective. However, it is also a gamble. Sometimes even if you tend to dedicate more effort into it, it still just won’t work.

  50. zoleliu arbata Avatar

    Viral marketing is best 2nd thing for me. I’ve already earned about 500$ Dollars from this. Nice post too :P

  51. Prestiti Cambializzati Avatar

    viral marketing + seo = more free visitors!

  52. Hava Perdeleri Avatar

    Viral Marketing also known otherwise thanks very nice beutiful

  53. what to invest in Avatar

    There is no advertising without viral marketing. Thanks for the post.

  54. What to Invest In Avatar

    Too much in your face marketing puts consumers off. That is no way to get your product sold.

  55. Heather Todd Avatar

    Great post,Nice explanation

  56. Mammootty@Mallu Avatar

    Viral marketing’s most effective method must still be the emails. In its budding years, viral marketing was solely email dependent; although now a many other mediums have sprouted up.

    Mammootty from Malayalam

  57. Becky Avatar

    Haven’t tried it so far,but will definetely see if it works for me as well.
    Thanks ;)

  58. Professional Email Marketing Avatar

    Viral marketing refers to the techniques of marketing that Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, these services are rapidly resulting in heightened exposure and influence, really I found a great piece of knowledge about viral marketing here.

  59. Waterless Cookware Reviews Avatar

    Viral marketing if done successfully really seems to be the ticket to riches on the internet.

  60. Android Pad Avatar

    If only it was so easy to come up with a viral campaign. It is a marketers dream. Thousands or even millions of page views for free.

  61. flossmaker Avatar

    viral marketing is a more inexpensive , non-spamming way to promote your products that’s for sure

  62. Arfin Shovon Avatar

    Very nice post!! Thanks for share

  63. Love Avatar

    So Nice post.. Its a very good share..

  64. Love Avatar

    Very nice post.. this baby is so beautiful.. Thanks for share

  65. tomata khan Avatar
    tomata khan

    thank you for the post.i am very happy.

  66. kamal Avatar

    Thanks for the post. Actually I knew nothing about the viral marketing.

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