Virtual memory, low cost, of course




virtual memoryReady boost is actually a virtual memory. You may have to use a hard disk used as virtual memory that serves to assist the work of a main memory. But this time the existence of hard disk used as virtual memory has been replaced by the flash disk. Virtual memory is very useful when the main memory is not big enough. With such capacity, then in some usage is likely that memory capacity will be quickly filled. Moreover, if the program used is a program that uses large memory capacity, such as editing photos, videos and other digital imaging.

Currently the memory a computer has the greater capacity, the average reached 1 GB or more. But unfortunately, this time some computer programs also require a memory capacity large enough, as for example the Windows 7 operating system which requires a minimum memory capacity of 1 GB. This is particularly felt if you run multiple applications at once, such as browsers, Microsoft Word, Windows Media player, and some applications are often run simultaneously.

Operating system using the hard disk capacity as additional memory, which determines the operating system files that remain stationed in the main memory and the file can be moved into the virtual memory. Files that are often run remains placed in the main memory.


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10 responses to “Virtual memory, low cost, of course”

  1. RT @jauhari Virtual memory, low cost, of course

  2. Bad Credit Cars Avatar

    Ready Boost sounds like maybe a solution for my computer. I wonder though about an operating system (Windows 7 say) that requires 1 Gig of memory to run. How efficient could it really be? Its like the goldfish in the tank, growing to fit the tank dimensions. I think there’s probably a lot of waste in the way things are coded today.

  3. Health Secrets Avatar

    […] This post was Twitted by Sherly Joyce […]

  4. Gary Avatar

    Very intriguing; so, any flash drive can be used from the start as virtual memory? Or is there some other preparation needed?

  5. TRXLink@eProcurement Avatar

    Well described Nurudin. I’m running Windows 7 for quite some time now; no doubt its much prettier and reliable than XP but off course it needs a lot of memory .. 2GB minimum I would say. 1GB is the minimum requirement but Win7 consumes more than 750 MB even in idle state. I suggest you to give some tips on clearing up some memory and on how to increase system’s performance using page file (virtual memory).

  6. ali Avatar

    If I trun readyboost on can I turn off vitual memory?
    what is the best way to get the highest performance?
    I would like to disable the HDD and only enable Readyboost if that’s possible.

  7. Defragment Computer Avatar

    Virtual memory saves the day! I use it all the time.

  8. Jean@web design Avatar

    I’ve tried ready boost and it speed up my computer’s performance.

  9. chevrolet trucks Avatar

    Virtual memory is just a part of operating system on desktops PC as everybody aware of it,RAM is used probably for CPU but all that is tha RAM is not enough to execute all kid of programs.
    There is where virtual memory works it helps programmer to run the programs fluentlyit also help to keep the data onto harddisk.Overall virtual memory acts as a heart of computers.
    old chevrolet trucks

  10. cumsalot Avatar

    Who doesnt use Virtual Memory. Your OS uses it automatically.

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