Which one you choose, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome?




If you frequently use the Internet must have tried several browsers, is not it? You can determine the browser which gives the best performance for you, both in terms of speed, features and facilities, as well as be some add on in the browser.

In addition, the safety factor in using the internet is also one very important thing to note. Here we will inform you to compare two types of browsers that you have often used, namely Mozille Firefox and Google Chrome.

As for the other browsers do not try to compare us. Of both browsers, which do you think is best? To answer these questions, there are some criteria that will be used as a reference to choose according to your needs in using the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox 4 Logo
Mozilla Firefox 4 Logo

Mozilla firefox

The browser is available in several versions, including the mobile version and PC version. By default, both browsers are not much different; where you can install some add on to increase the browser performance. For the mobile version, this browser does not provide many options in terms of appearance. This is of course where the screen on a mobile device is quite limited. However, for applications on the desktop PC, you can enjoy various facilities that exist in the browser, such as history, clear cookies, add ons, plugins, and some tools that are needed.

google chrome browser
google chrome browser

Google Chrome

This browsers is one was pretty simple in terms of look, but to speed loading, you do not need to doubt it. With a design and a very simple, browser from Google’s is indeed provide many advantages in terms of speed. In addition, for some of the existing Internet applications, such as video streaming, live chat, web flash animation, and several other features, the browser is good enough to give comfort to use.

Of both the type of browser, which do you choose? Of course this should be tried first, so that later you will know the advantages and disadvantages of these browsers.


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One response to “Which one you choose, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome?”

  1. Irawan Avatar

    because of the first I used to use mozilla firefox
    so I prefer mozilla firefox but did not set rule also use the Google Chrome browser when my internet connection is slow

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