WordPress Theme: Pitr




Pitr ThumbnailI am very happy after completed redesign “Mbah Dipo” and crafted with new and silly interface design. And for someone that waiting themes that craft by me, this time I released my first WordPress Theme, I call this theme Pitr, yes just 4 character.

Pitr Theme I released under GPL licensed. So you can download and tweak as many you can but remember you still have to put my name as the original author or if you want erased it please contact me. In this version (1.0) Pitr not yet sidebar widget compatible, if you need make it compatible just edit sidebar.php or waiting my next released (I hope in April), I want say to thanks, to all of you that give me support and make this happen. Go to Pitr Theme Page

This Theme also listed on:

(02 April 2007) Pitr Widget Enables version was released

*I change this post to English to make this theme more enjoyable in this world, thanks to Didats



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19 responses to “WordPress Theme: Pitr”

  1. ferdhie Avatar

    keren bos, themenya – rasa web2.0.

    kayanya belum lulus validasi yah –

    anyway, menu dan colornya keren – sip!

  2. Thomas Arie Avatar

    Wah, sip Mas!

    Widget-friendly juga ya?

    Ferdhie, kalau melihat pesan errornya, sepertinya itu sebagian besar bukan karena theme-nya kali ya? Tapi dari elemen tambahan diluar theme, dan entry-nya sendiri…

    Hint: html_entities

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Dukung SIDEBAR on PROGRESS… Release 1.0 belum mas ^_*

  3. iway Avatar

    makan-makannnnnnnnnnnnnn 😀

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Apane sing di makan makan mas 😀

  4. Dhika Avatar

    cakep mas 🙂

  5. aVank Avatar

    warnanya syahdu

  6. didats Avatar


    cak, nopo ra nganggo boso londo to?

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Sebentar… (gaya tukul arwana)

      Apanya yang mau di “boso londo”?? kalau di Pitr theme pagenya sudah saya LONDOkan… cuma kalau ente download dan extract, yang masih saya kasih bahasa pribumi cuma di sedikit function nya aja… lainnya Insya Allah udah “boso londo”

      Kalau cak didats atau yang lain menemukan yang belum “boso londo” dengan senang hati saya koreksi…. ^_*

  7. cashper.com Avatar

    Lebih bersih mas…keren..:-)

  8. Alan Kellogg Avatar

    You do like flowers, don’t you? 🙂

    I do have a big request. Since Pitr requires certain plugins then I ask that you bundle those plugins with the theme. Would make live simpler for people. As an option, you could incorporate those plugins into the design, much as others have done with their designs.

    Overall I like Pitr and I hope you design more themes.

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      I will, and thanks for you feedback ^_*

  9. Biho Avatar

    komen saya di sini nggak pernah bisa, udah 3 kali, nggak muncul2

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Kemungkinan masuk antrian Moderasi mas 😀

  10. Biho Avatar

    nah baru bisa tuh 🙂

  11. didithoe Avatar

    udah lama gue nyari theme yang kayak gini. Ganti Theme ah….

  12. juragan Avatar

    Wah menu-nya keren nih.:x:x:x

  13. Ari Widianto Avatar

    Saya suka dengan template ini. Malah saya pertama belajar ngeblog wordpress menggunakan template ini. sekitar 2,5 tahun yang lalu . . .

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