Clean up virus using Trial Antivirus




Lately, I have a problem with local Virus that I just can’t remove it directly using Free Antivirus like, Avira, AVG, or Rising Antivirus. In a local antivirus like PC-MAV can do the job very well, but I’m not satisfied with this antivirus because I’ve got memory leak using PC-MAV.

Unfortunately my PC already infected by “yuyun” viruses and automatically create “Autorun.inf”. This virus was not deadly but it created many shortcut that look like a folder. So, it’s double up the real folder in my PC. This condition happened to almost all the PC at the Office.

Panda Internet Security 2009My first experiment is in my own PC. I started using paid Antivirus called Kaspersky Antivirus 2009 and Panda Internet Security 2009. As all you know that Kaspersky and Panda as Microsoft partner. I use this two antivirus to cleanup all the viruses at my PC including that already in the windows system. Just for you to know I used Windows XP sp2. Because in my laptop I used Vista it’s not a big deal. “Yuyun virus” can’t infected my laptop.

It’s the simple way to clean up all the viruses using those two antivirus or one of them but you must register and update the antivirus first before using it. This software is a trial version but it run prefectly to cleanup the viruses.

Well, after all has been cleaned, installed Avira as you primary antivirus at your PC or laptop and also you must registered.  This is the tips from me and have a nice Monday everybody.


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10 responses to “Clean up virus using Trial Antivirus”

  1. smartnbeauty Avatar

    :d my i write my comments in bahasa indonesia? its easier for me…:”> bagaimana dengan virus yang selalu block pencarian di internet yang menggunakan kata kunci “Antivirus””Virus” atau “download” komputer saya setiap searching kata-kata tersebut selalu menutup jendela berowser saya 😕

  2. […] Clean up virus using Trial Antivirus JAUHARI Posted by root 4 hours ago ( May 11 2009 in a local antivirus like pc mav can do the job very well but i 39 m not satisfied a professional wordpress themes designer and free wordpress themes designer from 1 comments add yours the upper is the most recent comment powered by wordpress Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Clean up virus using Trial Antivirus JAUHARI […]

  3. Andi Eko Avatar

    Untuk memaksimalkan pembersihan virus secara total, scan harddisk anda dari komputer lain atau gunakan Windows PE alias PreInstall yang bisa didownload. Windows PE ini run on CD, jadi anda bisa scan dengan antivirus yang ada disana.

  4. wahidhasan Avatar

    I used to be crazy bacause my laptop was infected by virus. I didnt know its name. It made my internet connection stopped and I couldnt disconnect my dial ip connection.
    Finally I decide to format my pasrtition and install fresh windows. Now I am using Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 Trial . It more powerful than avira, AVG, or free antivirus else. Thank u.

  5. Neil Patmore Avatar

    Your experience confirms the fact free antivirus programs are no competition to paid for alternatives. Why not just pay the £14 for a year’s worth of a quality product like the up and coming BitDefender antivirus 2010?

  6. aretha mckenzie Avatar
    aretha mckenzie

    my computer stay shut down

  7. mohamed Avatar

    i need to delete the virus in my pc so i need to install cleanup antivirus to my pc

  8. satish Avatar

    I want to clean virus from my computer

  9. satish Avatar

    I want to clean virus from my PC

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