Sarilah is my Mother



I love You mom

I wrote this article because I love my mother, so do you love your parents. My mother is hospitalized now. She got a little bit complicated sickness. Doctors are doing their best to diagnose the illness. I hope my mom is fine and will return to her daily activities soon. Up today I can’t visit her due to a lot of job in malang. Hopefully this Friday I am able to visit her. I love you Mom.

Now I’d like to introduce the new fresh from the oven theme that I called it Sarilah. I made this theme with thin red line and several Grey line. I try to make this themes easier to browse and read. I also tweak the code and made more SEO Friendly themes. Do you want this Sarilah Themes? Please leave a comment so I could decided is it going to released for public or just limited. Sarilah Themes was replacing my old themes: April, this theme still not released yet and maybe I’ll never release April Themes.

Last but not the least, I hope you enjoyed my new layout and I hope my mom will be all right and get better soon. Have a nice day all. Have you done something good to your families, friends or neighbours? Just do it.


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29 responses to “Sarilah is my Mother”

  1. Andi Eko Avatar

    Yes that’s right baby .. :)>-

  2. herman santoni Avatar

    good boy with high dedicated. salute for you for all of you.

  3. ayaheauzi Avatar

    I hope mome will be okay and back to her activities soon. Oh God, give you bless and power to heal her, so I can see her smile again. Oh God, I know You can do the best.

    Allahumma ‘isfii ummiina, Sarilah. Anta Syaafin laa syifaa-a, illa syifaa-aka, syifyaa-an taamman.


  4. arsya Avatar

    Allahumma laha thuulal `umura wa yanfa`u bih. Insyaallah every parents prouding children like you.

  5. isdah ahmad Avatar

    wah semoga ibunda jauhari baik-baik saja. bunda, saya senang banged bisa berkenalan ndengan ananda bunda yang bernama jauhari 😀

  6. Jauhari Avatar

    @Andi Eko:
    Thanks you

    @herman santoni:
    Thanks you

    Thanks you brother

    Try to be better bro

    @isdah ahmad:
    Suwun Cak..

  7. […] sama bisa juga menulis dan juga update sana sini. Sana itu release baru tampilan dengan Nama Sarilah, dan juga berhasilnya naik tingkat ke dua tujuh. Saya belum bisa explore banyak di WordPress 2.7 […]

  8. Endri Avatar

    Saya berdoa untuk kesembuhan ibunda Mas Jauhari..

  9. Daus Avatar

    Semoga ibunda cepat sehat lagi. Themenya oke banget kok.

  10. innoue ^_^v Avatar
    innoue ^_^v

    semoga beliau cepat sembuh. =)

  11. Epat Avatar

    semoga cepat sembuh kang…

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Terima Kasih Cak

  12. sulistia Atha Avatar

    I hope so…
    Latest news from Big Bro, She is more better now after the surgery.
    I’m sure She will happy for your coming 🙂

  13. galih Avatar

    Saya doakan ibunda jauhari segera baikan ya. Kok ya menginspirasi tulisan ini :). thanks

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Terima Kasih Mr. Galih 😉 Let’s make this world better

  14. fadllan Avatar

    May God bless mas jauhari’s mother with finest condition and happiness. For present, i’ll give my post at and

  15. inos Avatar

    may Allah bless your mom.. 😡

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Thanks you brother

  16. arwansp Avatar

    Semoga ibu lekas baikan ya mas…
    btw jadi ingat ibu di kampung halaman…

  17. eko Avatar

    semoga lekas sembuh ibunda tercinta

  18. WomenTrip Avatar

    hi jauhari

    hope your mother get well soon 🙂

  19. suroagung Avatar

    Hope your mother will better soon.

  20. Yann Avatar

    I’m a french buddhist who use Hamasaky thème. I priest for your Mother.

  21. yudi Avatar

    semoga ibunda lekas sembuh:)

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Terima Kasih mas Yudi atas doanya

  22. thom Avatar

    Mother is everything 🙂
    Hope your Mom is getting better. Amin

    To My Mom :
    Hapy Mother’s Day
    I love you…

  23. Suhendrawan Avatar

    saya doakan semoga ibunda cepet sembuh 🙂 n salam kenal saja mas :d

  24. Zika Avatar

    Hi Mas,

    Hope your mother getting well soon.
    btw, may i have sarilah theme ? if you don’t mind.

    Thanks & Regards

  25. Marcel Avatar

    @Jauhari: I just dropped here by using a link on a beautiful WP theme … I hope your mom is fine again in the meantime – and so are you 🙂
    Are you still giving your Sarila theme away? Maybe you want to see it on a swiss blog …
    All the best to you and your mother!

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