Blogging in a free blog hosting provider is an option for you who have no budget to buy your own domain and a hosting space. I had my blog runs in a free blog server and now it has Pagerank of 4. As you know that you can monetize your pageranked blog by selling links or for paid review.s I lost that opportunity because of the TOS (term of service) of the provider states that I can not monetize my blog if using their free service.
If you have a vision about your blog as well as its future, you should consider about having your own domain name and hosting space. Domain name and hosting space are cheap now so you do not need a lot of money just to start your own blog. The next question is where to buy domain and hosting.
Now there are a lot of local web hosting providers near you. To choose a web hosting near you is a priority since you will have a low cost for a phone call or any other non-internet communication. Pickaweb is a UK Web Hosting which provides hosting service since year 2000. Even they are based in UK, they also serve people worldwide. If you have no problem with distances, then you may use their services.
After you buy your domain name and hosting and the service is active, you may start to install a blog engine. Usually web hosting provider already has it in their system. You do not need to download it yourself. Once your blog is ready, you can start to write on your blog and promote it.
Happy blogging..
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