Download WordPress 2.9




WordPress 2.9 is ready, you can download wordpress 2.9 and install or update on your blog. I was created some post about WordPress 2.9 features on 18 December 2009, and today I was got information from our Dashboards. You should and test WordPress 2.9 and I think it’s my turn to create New WordPress Theme, specialized designed for WordPress 2.9. I hope I can release this theme on this week.


Some Features that you got on WordPress 2.9

  1. Global undo/”trash” feature, which means that if you accidentally delete a post or comment you can bring it back from the grave (i.e., the Trash). This also eliminates those annoying “are you sure” messages we used to have on every delete.
  2. Built-in image editor allows you to crop, edit, rotate, flip, and scale your images to show them who’s boss. This is the first wave of our many planned media-handling improvements.
  3. Batch plugin update and compatibility checking, which means you can update 10 plugins at once, versus having to do multiple clicks for each one, and we’re using the new compatibility data from the plugins directory to give you a better idea of whether your plugins are compatible with new releases of WordPress. This should take the fear and hassle out of upgrading.
  4. Easier video embeds that allow you to just paste a URL on its own line and have it magically turn it into the proper embed code, with Oembed support for YouTube, Daily Motion,, Flickr, Hulu, Viddler, Qik, Revision3, Scribd, Google Video, Photobucket, PollDaddy, and (and more in the next release).

The Code Name for WordPress 2.9 is Carmen, You can check about WordPress 2.9 released on blog


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10 responses to “Download WordPress 2.9”

  1. RT @jauhari Download WordPress 2.9

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nurudin Jauhari, pajMién الحديد. pajMién الحديد said: RT @jauhari Download WordPress 2.9 […]

  3. Budi Avatar

    Can’t wait your new theme for wordpress 2.9 bro!

  4. Avatar

    thank’s for your information. i’ll update my wp, and try new features.
    very good blog design..!!

  5. Blog Ijo Avatar

    wah mantep ki inpone….
    lagi ngerti bedane sing 2.9 iki…

  6. aris Avatar

    hatur nuhun

  7. nanangsya Avatar

    sip mas infonya..

    kunjungi blog q

    ditunggu kedatangannya.hehe..

  8. wardi Avatar

    terima ksih mas, semoga tambah sukses, dan dapat mengharumkan nama nusa dan bangsa. amin

  9. general business Avatar

    Saya menunggu theme untuk versi yang baru, dan selalu menunggu mu

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