How To Fix WordPress 2.6 Missing Categories




A friend of mine got a problem with his newly upgrade WordPress (2.6.2) that is missing categories. The problem occured randomly. If the categories showed correctly and then he clicked it, there was no post assosiated (404 Not Found).

Thanks to Google. There are so many people faced the same problem and they have solutions also. gave a quick solution to fix the problem.

You just need to run this query:

UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms SET wp_term_taxonomy.description = WHERE wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id

You may also check other solutions if the solution above is not working.


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4 responses to “How To Fix WordPress 2.6 Missing Categories”

  1. ario saja Avatar

    mak jos… tutoriale:d:d

  2. WhyLoo Avatar

    that is important thank you

  3. Electric Car Avatar

    I had the same problem on one of my blogs. Some servers are just funny. I down-graded to a previous version and upgraded again – the problem was gone. It is cool to know that there is a more nerdy solution to this 🙂

  4. abebudi Avatar

    So where to run this code:
    UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms SET wp_term_taxonomy.description = WHERE wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id

    thanks for helping mas brow!

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