WordPress 2.03, How To Update




Today is my DAY, and my BLOG Day, and my WordPress day, coz today I wast update my Blog Engine with simple step (for me, I hope for ou to)

And this my Step by Step

  1. Backup You Old File and you SQL Data
  2. Download WordPress 2.03
  3. Extract you Wordress on you local HD.
  4. Select wp-includes and wp-admin and zip ora tar it.
  5. Upload to you webserver.
  6. Before extract it, please rename you wp-admin and wp-includes folder and extract that file you was upload
  7. After that go to to you blog admin and you’ll get notice to update you SQL
  8. have a nice day and *blink blink* you run the latest engine (WordPress 2.03) 😉

I am forget some *note. You need also update this file on you root directory of you blogs engine (I got this info from here)

  1. wp-comments-post.php
  2. wp-login.php



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11 responses to “WordPress 2.03, How To Update”

  1. Nofie Avatar

    Sounds great. I’ll give it a try. 😡

  2. ario dipoyono Avatar

    :o:o ha…ha…. coba tanya di paman Google

  3. Aryo Darmo Kusuma Avatar

    ha ha ha ha :((:((\:d/
    Trus blogsome gimana dunk :((:((

  4. pembaca setia Avatar

    wah … boso walondo ….[-(

  5. CypherHackz Avatar

    Yup! Just upload necessary files only so we don’t have to waste our time. 😉

    WordPress 2.0.3 release

  6. Aryo Sanjaya Avatar

    Owalah, tibake sik nyar toh…

    Aku wingi ciktas nggawekne blog kanggo ojob, langsung donlut trus install.

    Tangpilane keyen pisan.

  7. geblek Avatar

    belom ngapdet kang
    entar ajalah skalian gak jaoh beda je :d

  8. yonky Avatar

    udah nyoba ngeping? soalnya aku ndak bisa tuh setelat upgrade. 🙁

  9. johan Avatar

    Iki opo to…, ora mudeng…

  10. Icha Avatar

    Wah…ini ngebantu banget buat saia. Tapi tetep aja saia adalah saia yang bodoh. 🙁

  11. dthcnine Avatar

    thanks for the great information…

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