WordPress 2.7 new dashboard design



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Wordpress 2.7 Dashboard

Did you already know the new dashboard of WordPress 2.7 ? Here’s the screenshot and WordPress development take a survey of this new upgrade. Personally I like this new design, because usually I use drop down menu admin as my dashboard menu.

I just can’t wait to see the final released and upgrade my worpdress. To build and customize WordPress is exciting for me, and of course with this supporting from WordPress I can do more with this wordpress and satisfied my customer.



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9 responses to “WordPress 2.7 new dashboard design”

  1. arif Avatar

    Right now I used wordpress 2.5.1, I want to up-date with newest version, but wait your other review about 2.7 .

  2. Jauhari Avatar

    I will be waiting this new interface 😉

  3. Adry Avatar

    Huhu.. nice .. can’t wait the new released….

  4. Rindu Avatar

    *nyoba ah* semoga blog saya tambah manis 🙂

  5. Allan Avatar

    I haven’t upgraded my WordPress for a long time. I just haven’t seen any new features compelling enough to have to implement a new version.

  6. Jaka Avatar

    can’t wait 2 use it :-w:d/

  7. mohammed Avatar

    waw … is so nice dashboard …. 😕

  8. wp.blogywalkie.com Avatar

    btw, you can just try wp 2.7 on my blog: wp.blogywalkie.com. Use “test” as your password and username

    this is very new, wp2.7 on my blog is prototype version. only few blogger has copy of it, include me. check it out guys!!!!

    check it out about wp. 27, online live wordpress, just at my blog!!!

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